Darknet Markets

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Darknet market is a commercial website that operates on the dark web. They function primarily as black markets, selling or brokering transactions involving drugs, cyber-arms, weapons, counterfeit money, stolen credit cards, stolen Bitcoin wallets, fixed soccer matches, forged documents, unlicensed pharmaceuticals, steroids, and other illicit goods as well as the sale of legal products. In December 2014, a study by Gareth Owen from the University of Portsmouth suggested the second most popular sites on Tor were darknet markets.

Darknet markets are characterized by:

  • anonymized access (typically Tor)
  • payments with cryptocurrencies
  • escrow services
  • feedback systems


In the early 1970s students at Stanford University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology used the ARPANET to coordinate the purchase of cannabis. By the end of the 1980s, newsgroups like alt.drugs would become online centres of drug discussion and information; however, any related deals were arranged entirely off-site directly between individuals. With the development and popularization of the World Wide Web and e-commerce in the 1990s, the tools to discuss or conduct illicit transactions became more widely available. One of the better-known web-based drug forums, The Hive, launched in 1997, serving as an information sharing forum for practical drug synthesis and legal discussion. The Hive was featured in a Dateline NBC special called The "X" Files in 2001, bringing the subject into public discourse. From 2003, the "Research Chemical Mailing List" (RCML) would discuss sourcing "Research Chemicals" from legal and grey sources as an alternative to forums such as alt.drugs.psychedelics.

The Farmer's Market was launched in 2006 and moved onto Tor in 2010. It has been considered a "proto-Silk Road" but the use of payment services such as PayPal and Western Union allowed law enforcement to trace payments and it was subsequently shut down by the FBI in 2012.

The first darknet market that adopted Bitcoin and escrow system was Silk Road, founded by Ross Ulbricht under pseudonym "Dread Pirate Roberts" in February 2011. The use of cryptocurrencies instead of PayPal or Western Union made it harder to trace money by law enforcements. Escrow system protected both vendors and buyers against frauds and misconceptions. Buyers could start a dispute and get money back. Silk Road became popular in after Gawker published an article about the site which led to "Internet buzz" and an increase in traffic. This in turn led to political pressure from Senator Chuck Schumer on the US DEA and Department of Justice to shut it down, which they finally did in October 2013 after a lengthy investigation. Silk Road's use of all of Tor, Bitcoin escrow and feedback systems would set the standard for new darknet markets for the coming years. The shutdown was described as "the best advertising the dark net markets could have hoped for" following the proliferation of competing sites this caused, and The Guardian predicted others would take over the market that Silk Road previously dominated.

How To Find Markets

Use Tor search engines and link lists to find darknet markets.

Shopping In Darknet

In this tutorial you will learn how to buy something in DarkBay market.

Use the following link to access the market:


Some darknet markets require to create an account and transfer certain amount of cryptocurrencies. DarkBay lets you shop without registration. You pay for your order after you buy something to unique Bitcoin address. This makes it more difficult for authorities to correlate your darknet activity and join your transactions together.

1. Add products to cart

Browse categories or use the search feature to find interesting products. Tap the product to view details. Click vendor name to browse other offers. You may add multiple items to cart and pay for all at one time. When you are done, then go to cart and tap Checkout.

2. Enter delivery address

In the next step you have to enter your delivery address. If you buy only digital goods that don't need to be delivered home, you may skip address. Our recommendations:

  • Full Name - use fake name that looks real
  • Country - real country name, e.g. United States
  • State / province - real state or province of your country
  • City - real town name
  • Street and house no - real street name and house number, e.g. 45 Jackson Ave Apt 30
  • ZIP code - real postal code, e.g. 12345
  • Phone number - optional but courier may want to call you before delivery
  • Telegram - optional but vendor may want to talk to you via encrypted instant messenger like Telegram, Signal, Wickr, WhatsApp
  • E-mail - optional but vendor may want to contact you, use privacy e-mail like ProtonMail, Cock.li, Morke, SecTor.City, DNMX
  • I will pay with - select cryptocurrency that you own and are familiar with (for beginners we recommend Bitcoin, for advanced users Monero)
  • Shipping method - select overnight shipping to receive product within 1-2 days, leave standard shipping if delivery time is not important
  • Comments - additional information about your needs, delivery, etc.
3. Make payment

You will be redirected to order details. We recommend to add this page to bookmarks (in Tor Browser by pressing CTRL+D) to be able to return to the details. Alternatively, when you use amnestic operating system like Tails, write down order code on a paper or save it to an encrypted electronic storage.

Pay for your order with selected cryptocurrency. Read How to buy bitcoins to learn how to buy cryptocurrency and how to make payments from a digital wallet. Send equal amount of selected cryptocurrency to unique generated address that is shown in order details.

4. Wait for delivery

In case of digital goods you should receive them quickly on e-mail or instant messenger. If your order needs to be shipped, then delivery time depends on your location and selected shipping method. Contact the vendor to receive more information about shipping times.

5. Release funds to vendor

When you receive your order, go back to order details and tap I confirm that my order arrived. This is very important step because you will release funds from Escrow to the seller. If you don't get your order, then tap Start dispute to start a dispute with administrators assistance and get your money back.

Selling Own Items

You can become a vendor in just a few minutes. In this section you will learn how to register on DarkBay and create a store. It's all for free. You don't pay to start selling. However, you may promote your offers for a small fee. This works the same way as on clearnet marketplaces.

1. Create account

Click Sign in and then Create new account. Read the terms of service carefully and if you agree, then tap I will follow rules.

Do not provide any information that would help authorities reveal your identity. Do not talk about your interests, occupation, family, movies you like, etc. Use usernames and passwords other than in clearweb and unrelated to your everyday life.

The next step is to provide some information about you:

  • Username - you will use it to sign in to your account
  • Password - strong password to your account
  • E-mail - optional but will help to contact you, use privacy e-mail like ProtonMail, Cock.li, Morke, SecTor.City, DNMX
  • Telegram - optional, we recommend to leave this field empty
  • About you - optional, do not provide any personal information
  • PGP public key - optional, you may add it later
  • Verification code - re-type letters and numbers from image

If all information is correct, then click Create account button.

2. Sign in

You should be logged in automatically after registration. If not, then tap Sign in and log in with your username and password.

3. Create a store

To start selling, you must create a store:

  1. Tap your username on the top of website
  2. Tap Add new store in menu bar
  3. Provide information about your store:
    • Store name - use quick catchy self-describing name
    • Country - where you operate and ship from
    • Thumbnail image - upload image describing your store that will be displayed on stores list
    • About your business - write something about your store, products, delivery options, etc.
    • PGP public key - users might want to encrypt mesages before writing to you (you may add it later)
    • Verification code - re-type letters and numbers from image
  4. When done, then click Create store button.

Now you can post your first offer.

4. Post your offer

Go back to the market by tapping DarkBay logo and click + Sell button. Fill the form:

  • Store - select previously created store
  • Category - select proper category for your product
  • What do you sell - title of your offer
  • Unlimited supply - check this option if your product is always available
  • Amount in stock - how many items you are going to sell (leave empty if unlimited supply)
  • Price USD - price of your product (do not include $ character)
  • Unit - unit of your product (optional)
  • Price options - you may specify certain amounts and prices in a format Price option - price in separate lines
  • This is physical product - check this option if your product needs to be packaged and sent to buyer
  • Shipping from - where you ship from (leave empty to use store's country)
  • Shipping to - tell your buyers where you ship to (leave empty to assume Worldwide)
  • Product image - we recommend to upload a real photo of your product with handwritten store name with current date or any related image (buyers usually skip offers that do not have any photo)
  • Spoiler after payment - it's useful if you sell a digital product so you can include a link to e-book, credentials, how to get the product or any important info after purchase
  • Verification code - re-type letters and numbers from image

If all information is correct, then tap Post offer.

5. Send product to buyer

To view purchased products and tell buyers that the package is in the way:

  1. Tap your name on the top of the page
  2. On left side under SELLER section tap ✈ Delivery
  3. Send the product to provided address
  4. Expand Mark as sent
  5. Leave package details (e.g. tracking link)
  6. Tap Mark as sent to notify buyer about incoming package

Safety Measures

Staying anonymous

To stay anonymous in dark web, you should follow some rules:

  1. Use latest version of Tor Browser
  2. Don't use logins and passwords that you use in clearnet
  3. Don't search for items that you search in clearnet
  4. Don't provide personal info, interests, hobbies...
  5. Don't tell anyone about your darknet activity
Safe shopping

When shopping in dark web, remember that:

  1. Provide real address where package has to be sent
  2. Provide fake name that looks real in your country
  3. Dispose the packaging away from your home
  4. Don't order illegal items to your workplace
  5. Don't order more than one package at a time
  6. Don't order to neighbors or fake places - you will make more trouble
  7. Don't sign anything if asked by courier - you didn't expect this package
  8. Don't keep anything illegal at home - in case of a search warrant
  9. Don't pick the package if there are two or more couriers
  10. Don't pick the package if delivery time is unusually long
Package discovery

Millions of packages are shipped throughout the world on a daily basis. Trying to segregate those packages which contain illicit items is a difficult task. There are a number of investigative efforts that can be used in this environment. First and foremost, a properly trained drug canine team needs to be in place to conduct these types of operations. Without such a resource, package cases are virtually impossible to make. The drug canine is the ultimate instrument in the development of probable cause for the opening of a suspected package. The canine should be a single-purpose drug dog whose handler trains in the package environment.

However, if something illegal gets discovered in your package, you may expect controlled delivery or love letter.

Controlled delivery

Controlled delivery is a technique used by law enforcement officers allowing the package to go forward and be delivered under surveillance in order to identify the intended recipients. The actual physical delivery is typically made by an undercover police officer, by postal inspector or with assistance of police officers. The undercover agent will attempt to solicit any statements in which the suspect may admit knowledge of the parcel delivery. The key to any parcel investigation is to prove that the subject had knowledge of the package's contents. This is critical to the prosecution of the suspect in an investigation. It's virtually impossible to litigate a criminal case without proving knowledge of contents. If you suspect controlled delivery, then refuse to pick the package and deny that you ordered any illegal goods.

Signs of controlled delivery:

  • Package is late - delivery time is longer than usual
  • There are 2 or more more couriers delivering your package
  • Courier asks for signature - never sign anything!
  • Suspicious cars or people nearby
Love letter

Instead of getting the package delivered to the address, you may receive a notice that illegal goods have been seized but no legal action has been taken. Do not go for the package under any circumstances or you will go to jail. If contacted, deny that you expected this package.

Plausible deniability

Not admitting to anything is the first rule of accepting illicit packages safely. Proof of knowledge of the contents by the receiver is absolutely necessary to prove a case! Police officers will use different techniques to make you admit that you ordered the package and you knew its content. The good and bad guy technique is often used. The good one tries to be your nice friend: "Look man we don’t really care if you ordered yourself a little bit of drugs to use for yourself, we just want the sellers, the real bad guys, so just tell us where you got this from." If it doesn't work, the bad officer tries scare tactics: "Look man you are *****ED. You are going to jail as it stands. You are going to lose your job, house, ***** and the only way to get out of it is to just admit what you did."